Update February

Darwinia 201 SP SWE is out!
Finally we continue our adventure in this excellent indie game.
I really have to many series going. But what to do? I really
enjoy most of these games. It would be a shame not showing
them. I will do my best not to forget anything I’ve started.
BUT some of them will soon be endend. Hopefully this will
lessen the burden

During the meantime I’m busy recording and editing new
episodes from a brand new Skyrim series. I was unhappy
with what I’ve made previously. So I began from a clean slate.
I will not say more than this just yet.
The last week of February (W23) the ”Ethan Carter” series will
pick up where it last left off. This game we will see to the end.
It is qute short so it will be fun.
Oh, and during january and February I have tinkered a bit with the
Youtube front side. It looks alot better now. Or at least different.
I have alot of episodes planned for the future. So have fun,
relax and enjoy the ride!
Also: The Channel can be found at these places too:
Steam Community - Steam Curator