About AlienGamer on Youtube & Vimeo:
På Svenska (english below picture):
Kanalen startades den 30:e December 2013.
Första avsnittet var av Spelet ”Proun”.
Idag finns det över 400 avsnitt av spelvideos. Alla utan reklam.
Jag gör detta därför att jag tycker det är roligt och underhållande.
Men även för att marknadsföra indiespel som jag spelar och tycker om.
Många av dem har jag varit med och ”kickstartat” eller köpt för egna
pengar. Det är min målsättning att leva som jag lär och stödja
oberoende utveckling så mycket jag kan (i mån av tid och pengar).
Jag har även en alterntiv men mycket, mycket mindre kanal på Vimeo.
Denna är helt inriktad på retro (Amiga).

Min Nuvarande ”arbetsstation”. Windows till vänster och Mac till höger.
My current workstation. Windows on the left and mac on the right.
In English:
The channel begun 30:th of December 2013 with an episode of
Proun. To date there are 400+ videos available for free. No ads!
I do this because I think it is fun and entertaining. But I also try to
promote the games I play and record. Most of them I have actually
purchased (or kickstarted) for real money.
So I try to set some sort of example. I’m very much an active indie
I also have an alternative, but much smaller, channel on Vimeo.
It’s under the same banner as the Youtube channel.
But the content is stricly retro computer games and such.
Commodore Amiga specifically.
My computer has several years of experience. But when it was built it was
greatly overpowered. So it has stood the test of time very well.
It has seen two major overhauls during it’s lifetime. So far I see no reason
to get a new one.
Most of my editing were made on a Macmini and iMovie. But in January 2015
I changed over to windows. I needed to save time. This has worked out very well.
I try to keep it simple and cheap. After all I do not earn any money from this.
Datorutrustning / Computer equipment:
Custombuilt machine with planned two stage upgrades.
It has lasted me many years thanks to good planning.
To be honest this machine runs like clockwork all day, every day! :-D
Power: Corsair 600W modular PSU.
Board: Gigabyte EX58-UD5 (Intel X58, LGA 1366).
CPU: 2.33 GHz, Intel I7 920 Bloomfield (1st Gen, Quad core ,HT) - Overclocked: 3+ GHz.
RAM: 6x Corsair 2GB DDR3 SDRAM (trippel channel) - Total: 12GB.
GFX: NVidia 660 GTX (2 GB GDDR 192-bit SDRAM).
HD1: 120 GB Kingston SATA-SSD (boot),
HD2: 2 TB WD SATA-HD - Everything else but video.
HD3: 2 TB WD SATA-HD - Only video.
Monitor: 24” Samsung SyncMaster 2443BW.
Mic: Blue Yeti Stereo.
Mouse: Logitec wireless.
Keyboard: Ducky 10-key less Cherry RED Mechanical, LED backlit.
OS: Registered original 64-bit Windows7 Home Premium.
Recording Software: Registered Bandicam.
Video editing software: Wondershare Video Editor 5x.
Internet: 10 Mbit/s, full dublex.
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